Fath
Ali
Shah
related
to
Ibrahim
Khan
and,
therefore,
was
hopefulthat
Karabagh
would
submit
to
his
rule.
So,
when
he
heard
of
Ibrahim
Khan'ssubmission
to
the
Russian
State,
dispatched
an
army
to
Karabagh.
His
troops
arrived
at
thebridge
Khoda-Aferin
and
started
plundering,
causing
destruction
to
Karabagh
regions
andwaging
a
war
there.
Abul
Fath
Khan,
the
son
of
Ibrahim
Khan
attacked
the
village
Togh
witha
big
regiment.
The
Armenian
inhabitants
had
made
fortifications
to
defend
themselves.
[The
Qizilbashs]
fought
a
hard
battle
there,
but
failed
to
overcome
them.
Mahdi-qoli
Khanwith
a
numerous
group
advanced
towards
and
defeated
Abul
Fath
Khan.
As
Ibrahim
Khan
was
very
old,
sometimes
he
had
strange
and
uselessideas.
At
that
time,
after
consulting
with
his
retainers
he
decided
to
submit
to
theQizilbash
State.
He
left
the
fortress
Shushi
and
stopped
at
the
place
called
Sangiar-Khan,
which
was
somewhat
lower
from
it.
He
intended
to
betray
the
Russian
State
and
to
join
theQizilbash
army,
as
soon
as
they
arrived.
With
this
in
mind
he
wished
to
become
a
realsubject
[of
Iran].
Word
spread
as
if
the
invasion
of
Abul
Fath
Khan
and
his
troops
werepursued
according
to
his
appeal.
So
on
the
May
of
1806/1221
Major
Lisanevich,
known
asDalu
Major
took
a
group
of
a
hundred
soldiers,
came
out
of
the
fortress
(113a),
encircledthem
[Ibrahim
Khan
and
his
followers]
and
murdered
the
Khan
with
some
of
his
retinue.
Then,
according
to
the
Russian
Government's
decree
Mahdi-qoli
Aqawas
appointed
to
the
post
of
khan
and
the
governor
of
Karabagh.
He
had
to
control
over
thepopulation
due
to
Russian
laws
and
order.
Ibrahim
Khan's
rule
in
Karabagh
lasted
fifty
two
years,
the
fortyfive
of
them
he
had
passed
before
his
departure
to
Baylakan
and
eight
years
after
hisreturn
from
there.
He
was
a
lady
chaser
and
always
used
stimulating
drugs
to
have
frequentlove
affairs
with
women.