H.
Ex.
General
Madatov,
being
very
haughty
and
proud,
treated
equallywith
everybody
apart
from
his
immediate
chief.
In
winter
season
the
Crown
princeAbbas
Mirza
came
to
the
bank
of
the
Arax
for
hunting
and
outing
in
the
Mughan
Plain.
General
Madatov,
with
the
permission
of
[Russian]
government,
asked
the
prince
to
meetwith
him.
With
some
eminent
officials
and
noblemen
of
his
provinces,
Cossack
cavalrymen
hewent
to
the
other
side
of
the
Arax,
near
to
the
bridge
Khoda-Aferin
to
be
admitted
to
thepresence
of
the
prince.
The
prince
received
him
with
great
honor.
The
general
asked
theprince
to
allow
him
organize
[in
his
camp]
a
festival
and
fireworks.
Therefore,
withprince's
permission
he
arranged
such
fireworks
at
night
that
most
of
army
horses
cuttheir
bridles,
rushed
into
the
camp
and
scattered,
so
that
many
were
not
found
untilmorning.
All
Qizilbashs
were
amazed
at
the
firework
and
praised
the
fete.
During
one
of
his
talks
with
the
prince,
the
general
said
to
him,
"You
must
relinquish
from
Giokcha
and
Sadarak
in
our
favor,
to
have
the
tribes
ofTiflis
and
Georgia
had
areas
for
their
(120b)
summer
quarters".
The
prince
was
astonished
and
grew
angry
upon
his
impudence
and
lack
ofculture.
On
the
next
day,
when
the
general's
Uncle
Petros
Beg
Madatov
had
audiencewith
the
prince,
the
latter
complained
of
him:
-Your
sister's
son
is
very
ignorant
and
arrogant,
he
doesn'tknow
his
place.
He
is
just
a
general
and
the
Russian
Emperor
has
thousands
of
the
men
likehim,
nevertheless,
no
one
dares
to
speak
of
such
matters,
especially
of
problems
likethat.
Although
my
father
shah
in
Tehran
and
the
Russian
Emperor
-
in
Petersburg,
canpresent
each
other
territories
exceeding
the
mentioned
one
three
times,
we
shoudn'ttalk
of
matters
like
that.
You
are
an
old
and
experienced
man,
you
must
teachhim".