


He then resumed, with his co-workers, his usual prayerful labors, his tearful pleadings, his life of austerity, and his anxieties, remembering the word of the prophet: "In retiring and rest shalt thou live. "

Thus he experienced many tribulations in order to serve his nation. And God the All-Bountiful finally granted him that good fortune; for with his holy hand he became the father of new and wonderful offsprings- letters of the Armenian language, and then and there quickly designed, named, determined, their order and devised the syllabication.

Then taking leave of the holy Bishop, he went, along with his pupils, to the city of Samosata, where he was accorded great honors by the Bishop and the Church. He found there in the same city, a Hellenic scribe, named Ropanos, by whose hands all the variations of the letters, thin and heavy strokes, long and short, the single letters as well as the diphthongs were devised, after which he proceeded with translations, with the help of two of his pupils, Hovhan, from the province of Ekeghiats, and Hovsep from the House of Baghan. And thus began the translation of the Bible, first, the Proverbs of Solomon, which begins with the exhortation to seek wisdom: "To know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, " which was written also by the same scribe. At once they began to teach the youth, [training] scribes for the same task.