And
from
then
on
continuing
with
the
husbandry
of
God's
work,
they
began
with
the
evangelical
art-to
translate,
to
write,
and
to
teach,
especially
since
they
had
before
their
eyes
the
Lord's
lofty
commands
and
God's
lofty
Commandments
which
were
given
to
blessed
Moses
concerning
all
the
things
that
were-so
as
to
be
inscribed
in
a
book
to
be
preserved
for
the
eternity
to
come,
as
well
as
similar
commands
which
had
been
given
to
other
prophets:
"Take
thee
a
great
roll,
"
said
He,
"and
write
in
it
with
a
scribe's
pen.
"
And
elsewhere:
"Now
go,
write
it
on
a
tablet,
and
inscribe
it
in
a
book.
"
But
David
indicates
even
more
clearly
that
the
divine
law
shall
apply
to
all
nations,
by
saying,
"This
shall
be
written
for
the
generation
to
come,
"
and
that
"The
Lord
shall
count
when
he
writeth
up
the
people,
"
which
in
His
coming
Christ
fulfilled
by
His
gracious
commandment:
"Go
ye
therefore
and
teach
all
nations,
"
and
that
"this
gospel
shall
be
preached
in
all
the
world.
"
Thus
our
blessed
fathers,
having
obtained
permission,
rendered
their
work,
through
hopeful
endeavor,
manifest
and
fruitful
as
the
gospel.
At
that
time
our
blessed
and
wonderful
land
of
Armenia
became
truly
worthy
of
admiration,
where
by
the
hands
of
two
colleagues,
suddenly,
in
an
instant,
Moses,
the
law-giver,
along
with
the
order
of
the
prophets,
energetic
Paul
with
the
entire
phalanx
of
the
apostles,
along
with
Christ's
world-sustaining
gospel,
became
Armenian
speaking.
What
heart-warming
joy
existed
there
thenceforward,
and
what
a
pleasant
scene
for
the
eyes!
For
a
land
which
had
not
known
even
the
name
of
the
regions
where
all
those
wonderful
divine
acts
had
been
performed,
soon
learned
all
the
things
that
were,
not
only
those
that
had
transpired
in
time,
but
that
of
the
eternity
which
had
preceded,
and
those
that
had
come
later,
the
beginning
and
the
end
and
all
the
divine
traditions.