A Truthful History




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(2b) The author of this praiseworthy and truthful history, yourobedient servant Mirza Yusuf Karabaghi says: "Being a child, I found myself inQizilbash country, stayed there for seventeen years at Amir Khan's house and completelymastered their language. Then working in the office [of Amir Khan] and doing hiscorrespondence, I studied "Histories", biographies and got acquainted with manytribes and peoples, their beliefs and religion".

When in 1828/1244 the government of powerful Russian State made peaceagain with Qizilbashs, your obedient servant returned from the Qizilbash Country to hisnative land, that is, to Karabagh.

During the reign of the celebrated emperor of Russia Nicolas IPavlovich, who being very gracious oppressed nobody, and caused no harm to anybody becauseof their faith and treated fairly with everybody in the same way.

In short, I recorded the history of the period from the times of Adamdown to the sermon of Jesus Christ, briefly, in consecutive order, devoid of longdescriptions, to be useful to everybody.

Nevertheless, I was busy earning my living, and my intentions remainedunfulfilled because of high cost of living and unfavorable time. The realization of mydesire was deterred. As they say the time has the right to be unfavorable. I used to thinkof it until the fate became propitious and I was able to fulfil my aim.

In 1854/1271 according to the suggestion of the fair nobleman, mercifulLieutenant General Prince Grigori Orbeliani, the Commander-in-Chief of the army of theCaspian Sea and the governor of the northern districts of Daghestan, I was received in hisaudience and engaged in his office to do his correspondence. Then I was busy withfinishing this book. So I completed it by his guidance and the hearty assistance of thePrince Dmitri Davidovich.