When
prince
Tsitsianov
subjugated
the
rebels
of
Jar
and
returnedTiflis,
he
wrote
a
letter
to
Javad
Khan
of
Ganje
demanding
his
submission
to
the
powerfulRussian
State
and
abstention
from
quarrel
and
war.
Javad
Khan
refused
to
obey
the
HighCommander's
demand
and
revolted.
Thus,
the
High
Commander
decided
to
invade
Ganjewith
an
army
recruited
from
tavads,
the
cavalries
of
Qazakh
and
Shamshaddinlutribes,
conquer
it,
and
punish
Javad
Khan.
In
1803/1220
he
advanced
with
a
huge
armytowards
Ganje.
When
Javad
learned
about
Tsitsianov's
advancement,
he
summoned
hishigh
noblemen
and
retainers
to
assemble.
Everybody
including
akhunds
and
seids
agreed
to
war,
saying:
-How
can
Russians
conquer
the
fortress
of
Ganje,
when
Nadir
Shahhimself,
with
all
his
courage
and
power,
was
unable
to
do
that?
When
the
Russian
army
arrived
at
the
vicinity
of
Ganje,
Javad
Khan
sawthat
they
were
not
great
in
number
and
proceeded
with
his
troops
to
war.
The
rival
troopsmet
near
Quluqubi
and
started
the
fight.
After
a
short
skirmish
Javad
Khan
retreated
andsettled
in
his
fortress.
He
fortified
his
position
there
and
began
defending
himself.
(107b)
The
Russian
army
entered
the
town
and
blocked
up
all
the
ways
to
and
out
of
thefortress.
Soon
the
gun
cartridge
and
the
dim
became
the
only
supplies
of
the
fortress.
After
a
month's
siege,
during
which
the
inhabitants
suffered
a
great
deal,
theAdministrator-in-Chief
made
preparations
for
an
attack.
In
the
night
of
the
festiveoccasion
of
Fetr,
the
Russian
army
by
H.
Ex.
's
order
attacked
it
from
its
four
sides.
The
Russian
victorious
groups
climbed
up
the
stronghold
from
its
two
sides.
Javad
[Khan]defended
himself
with
brave
strikes
and
feats
of
valor
giving
a
hard
battle
until
MajorLisanevich,
a
Russian
officer,
killed
him
with
the
bullet
of
his
gun.
Then
the
fortresswas
conquered:
[Russian]
soldiers
invaded
it
from
every
side
turning
the
holiday
of
Fetrinto
the
dark
night
of
sacrifice.
Commander
[Tsitsianov]
ordered
to
slaughter
its
population.
Swords
andlances
were
functioning
for
three
hours.
After
three
hours
H.
Ex.
Commander
ordered
tostop
the
massacre.
The
prisoners
were
brought
to
his
reception,
Javad
Khan's
wivesand
sons,
the
whole
family
were
taken
to
the
Friday
mosque
to
be
kept
under
the
guard
ofoutposts.
[Tsitsianov]
organized
the
government
of
the
region,
appointed
a
commandant
andopened
law-courts
there.
Soon
after
he
changed
the
name
of
the
town
Ganje
into
Elizavetpolafter
the
respected
Empress.
(108a)
[Tsitsianov]
made
other
arrangements,
too:
heestablished
good
and
acceptable
rules.
After
regulating
the
affairs
of
Ganje
and
calmingdown
the
population
of
the
country,
he
returned
Georgia.
There
are
many
verses
composed
on
account
of
the
events
in
Turkish
andArmenian.
Some
of
them
am
going
to
note
down
on
this
page,
so
that
the
readers
wereaware
of
the
hardships
of
the
people
of
Ganje
suffered
before
their
submission
to
theGreat
Empire.