In
June
of
1806/1222
H.
Ex.
Count
Gudovich
was
appointed
governor
ofGeorgia,
and
the
Infantry
General
Bulgakov
(Bulghaqov)
-
Commander-in-Chief
of
theCaucasian
province
army.
As
soon
as
Count
arrived
in
Tiflis,
a
war
started
against
theSoltan
of
the
Ottoman
Turkey.
He
invaded
Akhalkalak
(Akharkalak)
with
well
prepared
bigarmy.
General
Bulqakov
was
sent
to
the
south
of
Daghestan
to
occupy
Baku,
Quba,
and
itsdistricts.
General
Glazenap
(Ghlazenap)
captured
Derbend
and
advanced
towards
Kabardia(Qabarda).
After
some
fights
he
subdued
its
population.
Major
General
Nesvetaev
was
sentto
Giumri
(Gomri).
Meanwhile,
Humshi
Zade
Selim
Pasha,
the
governor
of
Akhaltskha(Akhalsqe),
received
the
news
of
the
events.
He
was
extremely
frightened
and
sent
adetachment
to
defend
his
dominion
from
Russian
troops.
H.
Ex.
Count
hurried
there
with
hismartial
warriors
without
delay
at
any
place.
At
the
end
of
the
month
he
had
alreadydistributed
his
tents
around
the
fortress
and
encircled
it.
[They]
constructed
ladders
andafter
a
week,
two
hours
before
dawn,
they
attacked
the
town.
The
fight
continued
until
themidday,
[the
Russians]
lost
the
battle.
They
stayed
there
a
night
and
on
the
other
daymade
for
Georgia.
When
the
Count
arrived
at
Tiflis,
learned
of
Yusuf
Pasha'sappointment
to
the
post
of
the
Commander-in-Chief
of
the
army
and
his
advancement
towardsKars
(Qars)
with
intentions
to
war.
Therefore,
after
some
military
preparations
on
June
17of
1807/1223
[Gudovich]
he
left
for
Giumri.
Both
armies
met
by
the
river
Arpa,
not
farfrom
Giumri,
now
Aleksandrapol.
They
fought
from
both
sides
of
the
river
and
oppressedeach
other
with
the
fire
of
their
cannons.
Soon
the
Ottoman
troops
were
crashed
andstarted
to
retreat.
The
Russians
owned
the
great
spoils
of
this
war
left
by
Ottomantroops.
Then
the
Commander-in-Chief
returned
to
Tiflis.
In
the
bitter
frost
of
the
winter
of
1808/1224
the
Count
withconsiderable
preparations
made
his
way
to
Erevan.
At
first
he
fought
a
battle
withQizilbash
army
at
Karababa,
smashing
them,
he
came
and
blocked
up
the
fortress
of
Erevan.
After
some
time
he
attacked
the
town,
but
failed
to
conquer
it.
Many
of
the
[Russian]soldiers
were
murdered
during
the
fight.
At
last,
being
unable
to
cope
with
the
Qizilbash,
he
was
back
to
Tiflis
with
no
result.