More
than
eleven
years
had
passed
since
the
signing
of
peace
treatybetween
Russia
and
Qizilbash
State.
During
the
period
the
population
and
army
of
Iranlived
in
tranquility.
Not
a
single
strong
enemy
troubled
its
parts
and
the
littleinsurrections
and
skirmishes,
which
occurred
(121a)
in
that
country
were
settled
down
withthe
help
of
small
regiments.
Thus
[Qizilbashs]
feeling
themselves
strengthened
and
morepowerful,
broke
their
friendly
ties
with
Russia,
violated
the
peace
treaty
and
started
waragainst
them.
The
causes
of
the
war
were:
First
-
the
aid
of
the
English:
they
sent
guns,
cannons,
and
otherarms
to
Iran
annually,
to
strengthen
the
country
and
prevent
the
passage
of
the
Russiansthrough
its
territory
towards
their
estates
[in
India].
Abbas
Mirza,
Fath
AliShah's
eldest
son
and
heir-at-law,
had
reorganized
the
infantry
sarbaz
armyand
artillery
in
Azerbaijan
under
the
control
of
an
English
military
officer.
During
thesefew
years
a
war
and
several
battles
were
waged
at
various
places
against
the
Turkomans,
Ottoman
Turkey
and
other
rivals,
and
victories
were
achieved.
They
thought
that
the
fightsagainst
Russia
would
be
the
same
and
foolishly
unleashed
war
against
them.
Second
-
the
existence
of
discords
between
the
two
states
on
account
ofthe
boundaries
passing
through
Gegharkunik
and
Sadarak:
both
sides
were
intransigent
andbided
their
time
to
solve
the
problems
by
armed
forces.
Third
-
the
rebellion
risen
by
Ghazi
Molla
under
the
banner
of
Ghazavat
in
Daghestan,
who
incited
encounters
between
the
people
of
Daghestan
and
the
Russian
army.
With
this
purpose
the
mojtaheds
and
mullahs
wrote
essays
and
proclamationsabout
Ghazavat
and
Jehad
in
refined
style
inducing
people
to
fight
againstthe
Russians.
Aqa
Seid
Mojtahed,
living
a
life
of
an
anchorite,
wrote
a
letter
to
FathAli
Shah,
stating
that:
-The
war
against
the
Russians
should
be
considered
a
Ghazavat.
Idreamt,
that
if
His
Majesty
starts
the
campaign
now,
He
will
win
victory
in
a
month.
People
said
as
if
Aqa
has
also
told:
-I'll
take
the
shell
of
the
Russians'
cannon
and
throw
itback
to
their
side.
People
in
those
days
and,
especially
the
people
of
Iran
believed
intales
like
that.
Fourth
-
for
several
years
Alexander
Mirza,
the
heir
of
Georgian
Vali
lived
in
the
Iran
State,
entitled
"
Vali
of
honor".
Some
of
the[Transcaucasian]
khans,
for
example,
Mustoufi
Khan
of
Shirvan,
Mahdi-qoli
Khan
ofKarabagh,
Oghurlu
Khan
Ziadoghli
of
Ganje
and
the
sons
of
Selim
Khan
of
Shaki
had
escapedfrom
the
powerful
Russian
State
to
Iran.
[All
of
them]
were
biding
their
time
to
return
totheir
countries
and
assume
their
power.
According
to
the
mentioned
circumstances
in
1826/1242
Fath
AliShah
summoned
his
son,
the
Crown
prince
Abbas
Mirza
to
Tehran,
had
a
talk
with
himabout
(122a)
the
matter
and
gave
him
the
task
of
waging
a
war
against
Russia.
SoAbbas
Mirza,
by
his
father's
will,
returned
from
Tehran.
Arriving
in
Azerbaijanhe
recruited
an
army
and
made
war
preparations.
At
that
time
the
Russian
Emperor,
H.
M.
Alexander
Pavlovich
I,
died
andH.
M.
the
celebrated
Emperor
Nicolas
Pavlovich
ascended
the
throne.
This
circumstancebecame
one
of
the
causes
to
violate
the
peaceful
and
friendly
relations.
The
Crown
prince
held
counsel
with
his
officials
and
experiencednoblemen
on
the
matter.
Some
of
his
wise
retainers
did
not
approve
the
war
against
theRussians:
it
would
not
bring
any
good
to
his
state.
They
attempted
to
make
shah
give
uphis
military
intentions.
Therefore,
under
the
pretext
of
bringing
money
and
making
somepreparations
[they]
sent
sanduqdar
Heidar
Ali
Khan,
an
eloquent
high-rankofficial
and
eminent
khan.
After
arriving
in
Tehran
Heidar
Ali
Khan
was
honored
withshah's
reception.
When
talking,
shah
asked
him
about
the
state
of
the
army,
he
said:
"According
to
the
decree
of
the
Ka'abe
of
the
world
the
Crown
prince
isrecruiting
the
troops
and
making
war
preparations.
He
tries
whole-heartedly
to
fulfilshah's
will
(122b).
But
when
a
thankful
servant
of
shah
knows
something
and
concealsthat,
he
acts
like
a
traitor,
so
whenever,
the
World's
Ka'abe
allows
I'llpresent
Him
some
of
my
ideas".
So
with
shah's
permission
he
told:
-Although
nobody
can
afford
a
resistance
to
shah's
glorious
armynow
and
the
victory
will
accompany
all
its
enterprises,
the
breach
of
peace
[treaty]
andthe
war
against
Russia
are
not
desirable
and
useful
for
the
state
now.
Russia
is
an
oldcountry,
hard
in
war
and
gentle
in
friendship.
It
harms
nobody
because
of
his
faith.
Thewar
is
especially
inauspicious
now,
when
they
have
given
no
ground
for
unfriendly
deedsand
besides
their
ruler
has
just
died
and
a
new
sovereign
ascended
the
throne.
Let'skeep
an
eye
upon
his
actions
and
behavior,
then
conduct
accordingly,
or
else,
if
we
showour
enmity
now,
the
people
will
consider
us
harsh
and
cruel,
which
contradicts
to
HisRoyal
favor.
Fath
Ali
Shah
at
once
flied
into
a
rage
and
commanded
his
littleson
named
Mucheli
Khan,
who
always
stood
nearby,
armed
with
his
decorated
sword,
to
strikeoff
the
Heidar
Ali
(123a)
Khan's
head,
because
he
was
a
traitor
and
hadthoughts
different
from
shah's.
wise
man
has
told
on
such
an
occasion:
"Itsjust
a
suicide
expressing
ideas
against
to
shah".
When
Mucheli
Khan
was
going
to
strike
off
his
head,
shah,
a
very
greedyman,
ordered
to
Heidar
Ali
Khan
to
pay
ransom
and
save
his
life.
So,
the
latterimmediately
gave
the
hundred
golden
ashrafi
bajaghis,
which
he
had
keptready
beforehand
knowing
shah's
nature.
Afterwards,
he
started
talking
in
compliancewith
shah's
opinion,
approving
all
his
suppositions.
Shah
assigned
the
princeAbbas
Mirza
to
quicken
the
military
preparations
in
the
infantry,
cavalry
troops,
and
artillery
to
start
the
campaign
against
the
Russians
in
Karabagh:
-We
have
lingered
enough!
In
those
days
of
idleness
and
rest
we'dhave
occupied
the
most
part
of
Caucasian
regions
down
to
its
[upper]
frontiers.